Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sweet Potatoes Casseroles


Pecan,brown sugar streusels

This is my family favorite side dish for the holiday. It tasted like a sweet potatoes pie without the crust.Yummy, crunchy brown sugar/pecans topping.My kids favorite side dish, I just don't tell them its vegetables!!!

3 medium sized cooked sweet potatoes  skinned and mashed(I just cook them at 350 oven wrapped in a foil for 30-45 minutes until fork tender).Or you can boil them with skin on  until tender then when cool enough to handle remove skins and mashed it .Either method works just fine.You need 3c. mashed cooked sweet potatoes
1c. brown sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten(I used egg whites only)
1t. vanilla extract
1/2c. melted butter or margarine
1/2t.cinnamon and a dash of freshly grated nutmeg

for the streusel or topping:

1/2c.brown sugar
1/3c. flour
1/3c. melted butter
1c. chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350
Combine first 6 ingredients.
Pour unto a buttered casserole dish.
Mix all the topping ingredients in a bowl and sprinkle on top.
Bake for 30-40 minutes(no foil on top),until hot and browned.That's it! So easy!!

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