Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sweet Potato Pie (KAMOTE PIE)

This recipe is so simple and so easy. I got the recipe  from All Recipe web sites.A good way to eat your veggies!This is my son  all time  paborito!

1pound sweet potatoes
1/2 c. butter or margarine
1c. white sugar
1/2c. evap. milk or fresh milk
2 eggs
1/2t.ground nutmeg
1t.vanilla extract
1T. flour
1(9 inch) unbaked pie crust

1.You can bake or boil the sweet potatoes until tender.wrap in foil before baking and cook for 1 hour at 350
2.Peel and mashed,add butter,sugar and the rest of the ingredients,use a mixer to remove sweet potatoes fibers,beat in medium speed until smooth.
3. Pour into unbaked pie shell bake at 350(175 degrees  C)for 55 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

1 comment:

julie said...

wow something new & different..usually i just boil it & eat it by itself w/ sugar or make camoteque but this looks yummy..want to try this sometimes